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Mobile App: Invoices

Learn how to add invoices and payments on the mobile app

Tham Moyo avatar
Written by Tham Moyo
Updated over a year ago

The Invoices section can be accessed by tapping on Invoices from the list view.

Create an Invoice

Tap on the + (add) button to create your invoice and a new invoice template will open for you to fill in your details.

Everything an invoice requires is included for you to fill in, including the invoice number, client name, date created, invoice due date, currency and invoice items and descriptions.

When you tap on +Add Line Item, you can select an income category, add a description for your product or service, enter the quantity and amount, and add sales taxes (if applicable).

You can use the Invoice Details section at the bottom to add anything important that your client should know about each invoice.

You can also save attachments and view your subtotal before you hit post!

Preview and Send Invoices

You can preview each invoice before you send it. TrulySmall lets you review it in its final form so that you can see it from the perspective of your client. Use this last step to review the invoice due date, client name, and line item details before you send.

To begin, tap on the invoice and select the 3-dot menu icon on the top right corner.

To see a preview of the invoice before you send it to your client, tap on Preview PDF. To email the invoice, tap on Email.

In addition, you can edit the invoice by tapping on Edit Invoice or you can delete it by tapping on Delete.

Add a Payment

To apply a payment, open the invoice then scroll down and tap on Make Payment.

Next, select the payment date and choose Pay in Full, or you can enter your own amount in the Enter Amount field.

Afterwards, select the account you want your funds to be deposited into in the Accounts field. A description can be added before you tap on Save.

The payment will appear on the invoice.

Tip: You can edit or delete the payment by swiping it to the left with your finger.

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