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TrulySmall Expenses: Track Your Personal Expenses
TrulySmall Expenses: Track Your Personal Expenses

Learn how to separate your personal transactions and review them.

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Written by TrulySmall
Updated over a year ago

One of the most important features in TrulySmall Expenses is the ability to separate your business and personal purchases. By capturing all your expenses in one application, you're able to unlock valuable insights about your spending behaviour and make better decisions, both at work and at home. All of this is possible without having to delete or manually reconcile any records.

Record a Personal Expense

By default, all expenses are added as business transactions. However, you can change any transaction to a personal expense by doing the following:

Step 1

For existing records, open any expense from the list section then select the Edit option.

Alternatively, if you are creating a new expense, go to Add An Expense and open the expense editor.

Step 2

Switch from the Business toggle to the Personal toggle. You will be asked to select a personal category for the transaction.

Step 3

Scroll down and select Save Expense to save the personal expense. When you return back to the Home page, you'll notice the transaction no longer appears under any lists. This is because your TrulySmall Expenses account is currently in Business mode. To switch view modes, please read below.

How to View Your Personal Expenses

To view all your personal expenses, you'll first need to switch your TrulySmall Expenses account from Business mode to Personal mode. To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Open the Menu section on the left. Next, select the Personal view mode at the bottom.

Step 2

You will now see the Home page for all your personal expenses. All the same features like budgets and reports are available for you to use to monitor your personal purchases. You can switch back and forth between modes regardless of whether you're using the Web, iOS or Android version.

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