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Bills to Pay

Managing your Bills and Accounts Payable...

Tham Moyo avatar
Written by Tham Moyo
Updated over a year ago

To create and manage bills that you pay to your vendors in TrulySmall Accounting, click on Bills to Pay in the menu.

At the top of the screen, summary information on your business's payables is displayed. This mini-report includes the total amount you've been billed for this fiscal year, the average time it takes you to pay those bills, the total outstanding balance for current and past due bills, and the total that is past due.

Add a Bill

To create a new bill in TrulySmall Accounting, click on the + New button above the Bills to Pay list. This will open the Bill Editor. When creating a new bill, the following fields are available to edit:

  • Vendor

  • Bill Date

  • Due Date

  • Bill Number

  • List of bill items

  • About This Bill memo

The bill and due dates default to the date you add the bill to TrulySmall Accounting. Click on the field to change it. In both cases, you can select a day from the calendar. For Due date you can choose to select from the list of standard terms, which will set that date dynamically for you.

If you have more than one item to add to your bill, click on the the + Add another bill item link to enter a new item.

Sales Tax

If sales tax is enabled for your country, you can add applicable taxes separately in the Tax column. Otherwise, the Tax column will not appear in the items list.


If you have attachments you want to associate with the bill, you can click on the 3-Dot Menu above the Total in the right pane, or click the Attach link to the right of the "About this bill" field at the bottom. The two options allow you to choose a file either from your device or from one that has already been uploaded through your Smart Inbox and is now in your Gallery.

Save Options

The Save button has multiple options. Click on the dropdown icon to the right to choose an option other than the default.

  • Save performs an interim save on the current bill. This is the default Save button choice. Anything you added to that point will be saved; once the save is complete, the bill window will change to Edit mode so you can continue adding items and updating other details. Remember to save again when you are finished.

  • Save & New will save and close the current bill, then open a new blank bill. If you enter multiple bills into TrulySmall Accounting in one sitting, this option helps streamline that data entry process.

  • Save & Exit saves and closes the bill you just completed and returns you to the list of all bills to pay.

  • Duplicate creates a duplicate of the bill exactly as shown when the option is selected and then saves and closes the original bill. The duplicate is now the bill shown on the screen. You will still need to save the working duplicate bill after you complete your changes.

Bill Payments

For bills that have been paid directly from you bank or credit card, TrulySmall Accounting recommends not entering the payment manually. Instead, wait for the payment to be received through the bank feed, and it will be matched to the invoice automatically.

The green Payment Match Found icon will appear in the Bills to Pay list, in your Inbox, and on the individual Bill.

Click on the icon, to open the payment match window. You will have a chance to review the details of the matched payment to confirm it should be associated with your bill.

You can also launch this Match Item window by selecting "Match Item" from the 3-dot menu in the upper right corner of the Bill itself.

If you are not anticipating an exact deposit for the amount due on your bill, click the Payments button to enter a payment manually.

For manually entered payments, the funds can be categorized as coming from an Undeposited Funds or a Cash account. Just be sure to categorize any corresponding deposits that will be used to pay that bill as corresponding transfers to your Undeposited Funds or Cash account when they are received, so they match.

Multiple payments can be associated with a bill. When each payment is made, TrulySmall Accounting indicates the updated balance in the upper right of the Bill Payments window.

Incorrect payments can be removed from the Bill Payments by clicking the delete icon to the right of the relevant payment in the Payment History list at the bottom of the window. Manually entered payments will be deleted. But matched payments will be returned to your Inbox so they may be matched to other bills, or categorized as needed.

Delete a Bill

There are 2 ways to delete a bill.

One or more bills can be selected from the Bills to Pay list or the Contact's transactions list by clicking on the checkbox preceding the items, then clicking the delete icon above the list.

While viewing an invoice, you can delete it by choosing the Remove option from the 3-Dot Menu in the upper right of the Edit Bill screen.

In both cases, a window will confirm you want to remove the items before completing the deletion.

Related article: Contacts

Working with the Bills to Pay List

You can sort and filter the list of bills, and make inline edits to some values directly within the list. A color-coded payment status of your bills in the STATUS column provides an at-a-glance indication of each bill's A/P status. And the green Payment Match Found icon next to the Vendor column indicates that TrulySmall Accounting has found a payment that can be applied to that bill.

Sort the List

The Bills list can be sorted by any column except VENDOR and STATUS. The initial sort is identified by the column title shown in blue. An arrow after the column title indicates the sort direction - ascending or descending.

To change the sort, click on the preferred column title. To change the sort direction, click the column title again.

Filter the List

By default the list shows All bills. If you want to narrow the view by a specific group of invoices that are Paid, Current, or Past Due, click on the corresponding button above the list.

To do a more refined filter, click on the Filter button to launch the Edit Filter window. Here too you can choose to view all bills, or focus on Paid, Current, or Past Due bills by clicking on that button option. Then choose a start and/or end date, and/or a minimum or maximum amount as desired. Click on the Apply button to continue.

The button will now say Filtered and will turn blue. To return to the full list after you are finished working with the filtered results, reopen the Filter window and click on the Clear Filter button. You can also refresh the browser tab.

Edit Values in the List

Some values can be edited inline directly within the list. Click on the value to begin the edit.

  • BILL # can be changed directly.

  • VENDOR will show you your Contact list; scroll to find the replacement or begin typing a Contact name to dynamically filter the list.

Each edited row will be checked. When you are finished click on the checkmark action icon above the list to save the changes.


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